Creating uniformed safety protocols to engagement
The Visionary

The Making of DOC DASH

A patented 3 in 1 organizational communication system used by motorist to proactively communicate to police officers and paramedics, during traffics stops or medical emergencies. DOC DASH communicates, at a glance, any non-visible situations, circumstances, or disabilities, while simultaneously displaying all state required motor vehicle documents.
To create protocols to engagement that respect the humanity of all involved.
To unify through safety, de-escalate through proactive communication and make life safer
Kimberly St Clair is the Inventress and founder of DOC DASH, LLC. DOC DASH is a for profit, Missouri certified, minority, woman owned, and operated company, committed to bridging the gap in communication during police engagement.
A native of St Louis Mo, she is a graduate of Cardinal Ritter College Prep high school and an alumnus of Webster University, where she earned a Bachelor of Art degree in psychology and a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science.
Kimberly's career spans the gamut, from 15 yrs as a mental health professional, 20+ years as a top award earning corporate professional, to a now certified substitute teacher in the St. Louis public school system (city and county), preventionist, speaker and change agent for police and motorist engagement.
In 2016 she was provoked into purpose by the repetitive exposure to volatile outcomes during police engagement. As a mother of 4, she became anxious about the future safety of her children. In 2018 when her youngest child confessed her fear of being shot and killed by police, Kim knew she had to make a choice, to either be paralyzed by the fear or inspired by it.
In 2019 she took a leap of faith and began the creative process of developing the DOC DASH prototype and its curriculum, the Method of Operation. By 2022 DOC DASH the brand was fully trademarked and the prototype market ready. In September 2023 the United States Patent Office awarded DOC DASH its PATENT and the DOC DASH Method of Operation curriculum is now an accredited curriculum being taught to police and motorist throughout the state of Missouri.
The value of DOC DASH and Its Method of Operation is clear! This one of a kind revolutionary communication system creates protocols to police engagement, and medical emergencies in a way that has never been done before. It adds layers of safety, efficiency to process and ultimately improves relationships between police officers and the communities they serve.
DOC DASH is the gold standard for police engagement and will eventually become nationally recognized. Kimberly's goal is to interrupt the current climate of violence and change the narrative through positive 1:1 experiences.
DOC DASH is the protocol to engagement that respects the humanity of all involved.